P chose the orange dress she wore during London Fashion Week, to PPQ fashion show and Snowy went for his favourite red dog collar.

P scooped up with Snowy and they raced across town, to the Swarovski shop, there, P&S scaled the stairs leading to the lounge, with the undisputed party Princess, Zoe Griffin, in her rock chic outfit.
Zoe let it slip, "this is ADD the 3d year Swarovski Crystallized have sponsored Nick charity event, and its always a fashion feast".

At the lounge, Pandemonia was greeted by the host Mr Nick Ede, with a glass of thirst quenching Nicholas Feuillate Champagne.
Nick was togged up in Ted Baker velvet Jacket, over a Christian Dior waistcoat and Uniqlo white t-shirt, Burberry trousers and a pair of Gaspard £300 shoes.
Nick disclosed, "I've been hosting this annual charity event, that was set up 14 years ago, to raise awareness for The Stroke Association, I came on board, after loosing my mum after her stroke".
A truly sad tale, though this event, P had been briefed, are always upbeat and in keeping with Nick's effervescent personality & tonight was no exception.

Pandemonia and Snowy were overjoyed to see the other guests, resembled a runway TV special, with Ian Carmichael HRH The Queen hairdresser, following Mr Ede mode of dress example.
Ian looked really dapper in his ensemble, a look P&S felt, if her Majesty were here tonight, she'd whip out that royal ceremonial sword of her's and give him a knighthood, on the spot.

Another graceful eyeful, was flagged up by "Loose Women" panellist Denise Welch , in a floor length sliver dress.
Denise was displaying her motherly affections when meeting Pandemonia and Snowy, and declared, "your both amazing" & gave Snowy a extra soft maternal cuddle.
In search of a Champagne top up, P caught glimpse of Mr Henry Conway getting a refill.

P clinked glasses with the seductive Lizzie Cundy.
Lizzie confessed, she's a glamour gal and tonight she pushed the boat out for her mate Nick. P&S agreed, seeing Ms Cundy in a "Bunmi Koko" black sequin and silk chiffon dress, black suede "Roberto Cavali " high heels teamed with white Swarovski crystal and black enamel ring.
A vision that drew a few men, to form a scrum around her and eased P&S out of the picture.

A welcome move, that enabled P to grab a quick chat, with TV fashion guru Brix Smith Start. Brix had tipped up in a black designer dress, Acne booties, all from Start-London boutique and a Mulberry bag thrown over the shoulder.
All was going well, until P spied BSS eyeing up Snowy, thinking Mrs Smith Start was going to add S, to her must have accessories shopping list.

Pandemonia shifted, and went toe-toe with the delightful Tara Palmer Tompkinson.
Tara stated she's not going out much these days, unless it worth while, obviously, this gig was.
And tonight Tara pulled out all the stops, in her Joseph white tailored dress, teamed with some Burberry accessories and the family bijoux heirlooms.
Before disappearing into the crowd, TPT discreetly whispered an invite to Pandemoina and Snowy, to TP next party. Now that be fun.

P attention was next drawn to the blond glamorous Millie Mackintosh star "Made in Chelsea" reality show, in a Herve Leger gold tight fitting bandage dress and Kurt Geiger shoes. Trailing behind the "Pru For Food" tray of eats.
Not that Snowy thought she could devour a morsel, in her figure hugging number.

Looking every part a Soul Diva, Kym Mazelle, sidled up to P&S.
Kym, gave P a news update on her career, apart from appearing on TV in various guises, she's been flexing her vocal cords, when she Headlined Liverpool Pride on August 6, this year.
News over, KM quit them both, to follow Bobby Sabel, Elite male model and Big Brother contestant, lead and head for the bar, for another tipple.

Next, P caught up with Lisa Snowden, Lisa cut a dash in her black cropped vintage cape, over a black halter neck top from her pal and Reiss glitzy leggings.
LS confessed to P&S she's "over the moon", why P asked? "because I've landed another years contract with Marks and Spencer and Capital Radio, and I can't wait for January, when I start to work with Dave Berry my new co-host".

P moved from one radio star, to another, Radio and TV show host Vanessa Feltz, who'd strolled in, in real white fur coat, thrown over a black Fenn Wright Manson dress, with her handsome partner, in a sharp two tone blue, slim fit suit.
Vanessa told Pandemonia "I'll be plugging this tomorrow, on my 9am-noon Radio London 94.9fm show". Go Girl.
It was then time for performances from James ‘Arg’ Argent from "The Only Way is Essex ", who had his co star of the show Gemma Collins to support him and the next up was the dynamic Dionne Bromfield, God daughter of the late Amy Winehouse, who blew people away with her soulfull vocal range.
To an equally more moving moment, a speech, by a young stroke victim, who, won everyone's heart, with her recovery story.
Then the young lady presented our evenings host Nick, with a "Stroke Association" lifetime achievement award, to the delight of everyone.
NE has knack of keeping the positive rolling.
He grabbed the mike and informed the crowd, to snap up their goodie bags at the exit, and they can continue to party.
At the iconic rock star's, Iron Maiden's, favourite london crash boutique pad, Sanctum Hotel Soho, hosted by eternal rocker Mark Fuller .
Much as Pandemonia knew Snowy loved to carry on, it was a school night, so, they congratulated Nick on a superb shindig and they drifted off to the night, wondering, whatever next?
Photo/ Copy: Stephen Mahoney