Was interviewed by Holly Shackleton in The Flesh and Blood Issueof iD magazine 2009
, pages 24 - 26 Winter 2009.
Photos taken by Peter Ashworth . The Marlboro image "IN" was taken outside a Texaco Petrol Garage in North London.
Transcript of the iD interview
Text: Holly Shackleton
Photography: Peter Ashworth
PANDEMONIA Is an Inflatable beauty queen challenging our perception of beauty and the female form.
Dressed head -to-toe in Latex with big luscious locks of inflatable hair, Pandemonia is one part Barbie doll and the other part a prophetic vision of cosmetic surgery in the future. Concocted on a drawing board, the inflatable beauty queen sprung to life to challenge our preconceptions of female beauty. As the skinny fat debate continues to rage war on the International media, Pandmonia stands loud and proud as a latex clad pastiche of the “ideal” woman. Shiny and Hyper-real, she describes herself as “ a social parody, packaging artificiality and lack of content”, her killer body appearing airbrushed or digitally enhanced. 2009 a lone has seen Pandemonia take stage at The Royal Opera House for Bistroteque Annual Drag Ball, display her art at the Vyner Street Gallery openings and the Tracy Emin exhibition at White Cube . We caught up with the luscious lady to find out more.
Hi Pandemonia. Why do you do what you do?
I couldn't possibly do anything else. I have to express my self. Questioning contemporary culture and advertising, reworking modern myths, visually challenging my audience (or whoever I come into contact with) and creating a state of awareness.
What is your favorite outfit?
The Marlboro girl because she's so strong, the Dizzy Blond because her speech bubble says it all and the windswept Redhead for her wonderful spiraling twisting curves that are so elegant.
If you could be a cartoon character, who would you be and why?
I am a cartoon character! Duh!
Who are your favorite designers?
Elsa Schiaparelli , Jean Cocteau , Surrealism and Zaha Hadid for her 3D form.
You're inspired by fairytale, what is your favorite and why?
I am interested in fairy tales because they are organic stories about archetypes that are possibly thousands of years old. They all have similar motifs; stepmothers, ugly sisters, dark forests.... Fairytales are still relevant in the modern world: their motives just exist I different forms. Instead of the dark forest we have a concrete jungle and now the Internet. Our world is changing faster than ever and we don't know where we are going, so our myths are being remade.
In what way
Nike was originally the Goddess of Victory now she is the swoosh sign and the embodiment of the athlete and the Olympian ideal. Nike has probably soled more shoes than people have hears about Nike the goddess over two and a half thousand years, so which is more valid?
Father Christmas used to be red and green, but Coca Cola re-branded him and now he is widely accepted as red and white, a myth remade by an advert.
What makes you feel sexy?
Elastic.... I like it for its plastic and metaphorical qualities; it's like a cartoon skin,
Other than fashion what do you love most in life?
Snowy, my dog.
Describe your personal style....
Larger than life.
What music do you listen to?
The clicking of cameras.
What's your vice?
The paparazzi.
How do you keep your fantastic figure?
What/s your beauty secret?
A little polish creates a flawless complexion.
What are you vital ingredients for a good night out?
A red carpet.
Describe your daily routine...
The usual... Yawn, stretch, get out of bed, do my hair etc....
What's your favorite food?
Candy Floss.
What star sign are you?
The biggest one... Leo!
Tell us a secret?
Pandemonia does not do secrets. My visual appearance tells you all there is to know – everything is clearly displayed on the outside.
What are your hopes and aspirations?
To be a household name and to win the Turner Prize, causing pandemonium in the art world.
Describe yourself....
Dizzy blond with an inflated ego.
What are you working on at the moment?
That's a secret! How indiscreet you are! Well there is that show of prints I'm doing....
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
In the future I see myself doing a sculpture show of large inflatables, which I will fly over Oxford Street as a temple to Commercialism.
Peter Ashworth
iD magazine