Street Photography

Monday, 11 November 2013

An afternoon in Sao Paulo

Earlier that day... Shoe Shopping in São Paulo

En route to the hotel, after a very satisfactory retail therapy session at Melissa Gallery, Pandemonia and Snowy felt a sugar craving.
So they made a pitstop at Soroko, the Artisan vegan ice cream parlour, Rua Augusta 305, Consolacao.

Graziela & Rafagla, the knowledgeable staff, recommended

Pandemonia sample the local delicious Pitanga, Cream do Ceu with a glazed cherry on top.

Rejuvenated and with vigour renewed, Pandemonia & Snowy skipped off to visit the Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo, seeing the queue to enter the Museu, Pandemonia & Snowy, decided to skip it too, and instead browsed the extensive Art magazine and book kiosk adjacent.

With a spring in their step Pandemonia & Snowy, decided to try their luck getting across Avenue Paulista and take a sneaky peak at the park. P&S followed the Brazilian highway code, used the zebra crossing as it was rush hour & made it to the island in middle of the road.

Eventually having crossed road, Pandemonia & Snowy found a perfect vantage point to take in the full exterior vista of Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo.

Pandemonia & Snowy strolled towards Trianon park gate only to be stopped in their tracks by a group of Brazilian fans.
The fans insisted Pandemonia and Snowy see the nearby city landmark, a statue of Bartolomeu Bueno da Silva.

Snowy recognised this icon as the Anhanguera, the pioneer of colonial Brazil.

  After Snowy and Pandemonia had their peak at the Park, they were still in explorer mood and wondered where to go next?

They settled on visiting the Estacao da Luz railway station. Pandemonia & Snowy paused at the parking lot, they had the distinct feeling they were being watched.

   As if to confirm their suspicion, a passer by stepped out and asked "can I have my picture taken with you"
Pandemonia & Snowy agreed.

At the railway station Pandemonia and Snowy gave a wave to the otherwise languid railway commuters who woke up on seeing them,
and waved back.

Turning away from the commuters, Pandemonia and Snowy were pleasantly surprised by three adorable, polite street urchins who just wanted to stand next to them.
P&S gladly obliged them too.

When Pandemonia & Snowy crossed the railway bridge, they were astounded by the genial crowd who made way for P&S to cross.

Later, back at the hotel the bellboys were on hand to help with Pandemonia’s shopping.

Before retiring Snowy stood guard at the cocktail bar as Pandemonia downed a caipirinha, and gazed in astonishment at the bars spooky contribution to halloween.

At last, Pandemonia and Snowy returned to their suite where bellboy Vinicius Rodrigues unloaded the trolley.
Alone at last, P&S put their feet up to rest in preparation for the action packed schedule that awaited them the following day.

photo/copy: Stephen Mahoney